Our drug’s menu is designed to help you find any drug simply and easily, whilst informing you what the drug is and how much you it can go for on the street.

Our drug’s menu is designed to help you find any drug simply and easily, whilst informing you what the drug is and how much you it can go for on the street.
Below is the DNA Legal drugs menu, here you can search for a variety of drugs by official name, street name and description by typing into the search menu. Our drug’s menu is designed to help you find any drug simply and easily, whilst informing you what the drug is and how much you it can go for on the street.
If you would like to receive a physical copy of the drugs menu, please email info@dnalegal.com or if you would like to have a free case review, please call DNA Legal on 0203 424 3470. If there isn't a drug on our menu or if you can find it via a street name, let us know and we will add it to the drug menu.
Street Price: 50p per tablet
Widely prescribed as sedatives, to combat anxiety, skeletal muscle relaxants and anticonvulsants.
Street Names: Temazies, Jellies, Eggs, Moggies, Rophies, Rufies, Benzos BZDs, Downers, Goofballs, Heavenly Blues, Qual, Robital, Stupefy, Tranx, Valley Girl
Anabolic Steroids
Street Price: 10ml for £50
Designed to replicate natural hormones that control how the body functions. Commonly used in the sports industry.
Street Names: Androsterone, Oxandrin, Dianabol, Winstrol, Deca-durabolin, Equipoise, Roids, Juice Hype, Gym candy, Arnolds, Stackers, Pumpers, Var, Drol, Dbol, Primo, Winny, Halo, Deca, EQ, NPP, Tren, Test
Street Price: £3.76 per litre
Otherwise known as ethanol, and served as a beverage in a range of formats and strengths. One of the most destructive drugs available.
Street Price: 6p per 100g
A highly addictive ingredient used to add flavour; responsible for many health problems affecting the brain in the same way as cocaine.
Street Price: £1.71 per patch
Nicotine is a highly addictive substance found in the Tobacco plant. Increasingly taken through Vaping devices.
Street Price: £3 per 10g
Normally smoked alone, however can be combined with other drugs.
Street Price: £6 per 100 pills
A stimulant to the central nervous system, commonly found in tea and coffee. Caffeine can also be taken in pill form.
Street Price: Powder £8–£12 a gram/Base £15 a gram
A range of synthetic stimulants that target the central nervous system.
Street Names: Whizz, Phet, Paste, Dexies, Billy, Base, Rev, Crystal, Meth, Pure, Ox blood. Ecstasy, Eden, Eve MDMA, Sulph, Ice, Shabu, Nexus, Bennies, Ampes, Cartwheels, Mollies, Speed, Hearts, Uppers, Wake ups, Get ups, Boot ups, Sparkles, Footballs, Oranges, Eye poppers, lightening
Street Price: £15
Sleep-inducing and anxiety-decreasing prescription drugs.
Street Names: Downers, Blue Heavens, Blue Velvet, Blue Devils, Nembies, Yellow Jackets, Abbots, Mexican yellows Purple hearts, goof balls, Reds, red birds, red devils, lilly, F-40s, pinks, pink ladies, reds and blues, tooies, double trouble, gorilla pills, F-66s
Street Price: £10 – £20 per gram
A dissociative anaesthetic that detaches users from reality, commonly used in the club scene.
Street Names: Special K, Super C, Cat Valium, Jet, Super Acid, Green, Ketanest, Ketaset, Ketalar Vitamin K, Lady K, Kit Kat, Super Acid, Purple, Mauve, Special LA Coke, Cat Tranquilizer, Horse Tranquilizer
Street Price: Ounce £200
A green plant based product that can be smoked or eaten. Usally bought in plant or resin forms.
Street Names: Marijuana, Dope, Pot, Grass, Doobie, Bud, Ganja, Hash, Skunk, Puff Head, mary jane, hashish, bhang skunk, resin, herb, draw, sinsemilla, reefer, boom, blubbers, 420, Joint, Nuggets, Block, Charge, Colombo
Street Price: £4 per bundle
A naturally occurring stimulant found in the plant, Khat. It is related to chemicals like Mephedrone, Methylone and MDPV due to their similar chemical structure and effects they give users.
Street Names: Khat, Quat, Qat, Qaadka, Chat, Catha, Eduli Bloom, Cloud Nine, Lunar Wave, Vanilla Sky, White Lightning, Cosmic Blast, Blow, Recharge
Synthetic Cannabinoid (Legal Highs)
Street Price: £7– £12 per packet
A legal mix of plant herbs and manmade chemicals replicating cannabis and upto 100 times more potent.
Street Names: TSpice, K2, Black Mamba, Bombay Blue, Genie, Zohai, Yucatan Fire, Moon Rocks Afghan Incense, Annihilation, Banshee Dust, Benzo fury, Blue Lotus, Bullet, Cherry Bomb, China White, Clockwork Orange, Devils Drop, Dust Till Dawn, Fairy Dust, Gogaine, Happy Joker, Jumping Beans, Kryptonite, Mind Melt, Morning Glory, Ocean Snow, Pink Panthers, Purple Bomb, Red Rockets, Snow White, Vanilla Sky, White Widow, Xtacy, Yukatan Fire, Zen
Designer Drugs (NPS)
Street Price: £10 – £20 per packet
Usually in a powder or crystal form labelled as ‘plant food’, ‘bath salts’ or ‘jewellery cleaner’.
Street Names: Bloom, Cloud Nine, Vanilla Sky, White Lightning, Scarface Angel dust, Hog, Peace pills, Cloud 9, Nirvana Plus, Roflcoptr, Rhino Ket, Mxe, Moxy, Mexy, Mexxy
Street Price: £40 – £50 per 30 tablets
Used as pain relief and derived from opium poppy, however most of today’s narcotics are made synthetically in a laboratory.
Street Names: Dover’s Powder, Horse, Junk, Mud, OXY, OxyCotton, Narco’s Hilbilly Heroin, Lean, MPTP, Sipin, Roxy, Rs, Os, Purple Drank
Street Price: £5 per 10mgt
A synthetic opiate used as a painkiller, also used as a substitute to Heroin.
Street Names: Methadose, Dollies, Dolls, Done, Meth, Phy, Junk, Metho Jungle Juice, Fizzies, Amidone, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Maria, Pastora, Salvia, Wafer, Juice
Street Price: £20 – £25 per gram
A stimulant belonging to the chemical family of Cathinones and is closely related to amphetamine drugs.
Street Names: Meph, Meow-meow, khat, Gat, M-Cat, Drone, Bubbles, Kitty cat 4MMC, miaow
Opiates (Heroin)
Street Price: £50 – £80 per gram
An opioid analgesic found naturally in the opium poppy. It is much more potent than other opiates, which has increased its popularity.
Street Names: Big O, Black stuff, Block, Gum, Hop, Dover’s powder Dope, Smack, H, Train, Thunder, Black tar, China whitehorse, Junk, Antifreeze, Brown sugar, Henry, Skag, Hero, Hell dust, Schoolboy, Viko
Street Price: £50 a gram
A highly addictive and potent central nervous stimulant. The effects are normally long lasting; users often stay awake for days on end.
Street Names: Crank, Crystal Meth, Christina, Tina, Cris, Cristy, Chalk, Chalk Dust, Meth, Ice, Speed, Scooby Snacks Geep, Getter, Getgo, Go Fast, G, Trash, Garbage, Wash, White Cross, White Crunch, Hanyak, Hironpon, Hiropon, hot Ice, Super Ice, Batu, Kaksonjae, LA Glass, La Ice, Ice Cream, Quartz, Chunky Love, Cookies, Cotton Candy, Dunk, Gak, Go-Go Juice, Junk, No Doze, Pookie, Rocket Fuel
Cocaine & Crack
Street Price: £40 per gram
A white powdered substance commonly snorted with an average 20 minute high.
Street Names: Coke, Flake, Snow, Blow, White Toot, Base, Basa, Powder, Smack, big Rush, Pearl, Candy, Cola, C, Big Flakes, Nose Candy, Baseball, Bump, Line, Rail, Snow, Stash, Yeyo, Nuggets, Gravel, Grit, Hail, Hard Rock, Jelly Beans, Cookies, Dice, Purple Caps, Scrabble, Yam, Sleet, Tornado
Street Price: 10 tabs for £40
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is a powerful hallucinogen acid. A liquid based solution that has been transferred into a paper square or in a small tablet.
Street Names: Acid, Battery acid, Blotter, Boomers, California Sunshine, Cid, Doses, Dots, Golden Dragon Heavenly Blue, Hippie, Looney Toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Microdot, Pane, Purple Heart, Superman, Tab, Window Pane, Yellow Sunshine, Zen